Are you looking for a portrait photographer? Many professionals can capture your image. But how do you choose the right one? Research can show that it's more than looking at some nice pictures on a webpage. Here's how to ensure you get value for your money

My Professional Portrait Photography Packages

My headshots are more expensive than some others. If your price shopping online you will find cheaper services. So where is the value in, my headshot packages.

New Roles and Promotions:

When you choose a suit for an interview do you choose the cheapest one? Hopefully, you will only use the interview suit once every 5-10 years. So why invest in something expensive? Research shows that to get a promotion or raise, it's crucial to make a great first impression at a job interview. Your attire is key—it can enhance your professional image or harm your credibility. The same is true for your business headshot. Before your potential employee has even read your CV they will have seen you headshot. This is your first impression. Don't skimp on it; make it count.


Does one headshot fit all purposes?

One headshot won't work for everything. You tweak your CV for various roles, right? The same is true of for your business headshot. Different companies may require unique styles. One company may ultra professional. Another may look for a flair of creativity. Even though the role is the same in jobs.

My photography packages offer up to three outfits. I also include offer different styles and lighting options. I'll create a portfolio that lasts for 7 years. Your package includes all of your high-resolution images, that's around 40/50 photos. It's a great deal, covering all your portrait needs at once. A photography package offering selection of 10 images is selling you short.


Should you use one headshot for all avatars?

It's not recommended. We all know our online image matters. A quick Google search reveals past photos. Employers and customers check your social media profiles. WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, all display your image. Customise each to showcase your best self. Highlight your various personality traits. Professional, approachable, caring.

With my photography packages I'll create a range of different looks each one reflecting a part of you. Ultra smart for the professional apps, a close up headshot for your email. People connect with people and they want to see your face. Opt for a casual, relaxed vibe for social media. Let's show your human side.

For the self employed and business owners.

If you're managing your own company, your online presence matters. It's like being in a job interview every time a potential client sees your brand. Dress for success right from the start. Invest in my professional business headshot package. You will experience its immediate benefits at work and in your business today.

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